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 CFIMA 2025-CFP-English.pdf

We invite submissions related to the cutting-edge fields of Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, spanning both theoretical and systems research.

The topics of interest include but are not limited to: 

Intelligent Manufacturing

Intelligent Systems

Automation in Manufacturing

Digital Manufacturing (CAx, CAPP, MES, DES,)

Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Manufacturing and Service Systems

Manufacturing Education and Training

Manufacturing Paradigms (FMS, RMS, Lean, Agile, etc.)

Manufacturing Systems and Technologies

Manufacturing Technology and Processes

Integrated Product and Production Development

Social Aspects, Health, and Safety in Manufacturing

Social Media in Manufacturing

The Internet-of-Things in Manufacturing


Optimization and Decision-making

End-of-Life Management and Reverse Logistics

Green and Lean Supply Chains, Logistics, and Procurement

Knowledge, Change, and Risk Management

Production Planning and Scheduling

Total Quality Management

Cognitive and Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing

Intelligent Information Systems

Intelligent Manufacturing Applications

Sensor-Based Process Monitoring and Control

Modular and Configurable Structures and Development Processes

Natural Language Processing

Computer Vision

Machine Vision


Cybernetics and Robotics

Industrial Robotics, Automation, and Process Control

Medical Equipment and Healthcare Systems

Micro, Nano and Desktop Manufacturing

Modeling and Simulation

Process Control

Flexible Robots

Soft Robots

Medical Robots

Advanced Control Theory